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In today’s fast-paced environment, finding innovative marketing strategies and engaging brands is no longer optional—it’s essential. By blending proven technologies with insights into human behavior, you can craft unique, effective solutions that stand out. The key lies in thinking differently about marketing and understanding the mechanisms that truly drive success.

As Marketing Director for international corporations like Young & Rubicam, OLVI Group, and AFK Group, I’ve applied this approach to deliver measurable results. I also share these strategies in courses such as Marketing Management, Brand Management, and Business Strategy at the University of New York in Prague’s MBA program.

Many of my mentees have gone on to lead marketing departments at major companies. Whether you’re a young professional in a large organization, a small business owner, or a visionary launching your own brand, I’m here to help you rethink your marketing, unlock creative potential, and build outstanding strategies and brands.

Let’s work together to transform your marketing for success.

Consulting and mentoring

I often provide consultations for businesses on key marketing issues. Unlike training sessions, consultations are not about building skills but about addressing specific situations within a particular business environment. It greatly work for individuals, who need help. 

This approach works well when you need to identify starting points for solving a challenge, understand which factors to focus on, or gain a fresh perspective. Consultations bring clarity, simply because I bring different expertise, experience, and insights to the table.

Feel free to reach out if you need assistance with branding, developing a strategy, planning communications, creating programs, or drafting a marketing plan. I can also help if you’re uncertain about interpreting research results or need an experienced perspective to validate your conclusions and ensure they’re actionable.

If your goal is to grow as a leader, improve team management, or develop professionally, mentoring can be invaluable. Mentorship is about transferring knowledge and experience from a more seasoned, supportive professional to someone less experienced. Together, we can work not only on marketing but also on soft skills like building relationships, fostering trust, creating a positive hierarchy, and cultivating respect within your team.

Let’s discuss how I can help you move forward with confidence!

Обо мне

Главная - English

Во времена постоянных изменений поиск небанальных решений в маркетинге — это необходимость. Искусственный интеллект помогает, но он способен выдать всего лишь средние результаты. Только человек может сделать что-то выдающееся. Секрет в том, чтобы думать о маркетинге нестандартно, понимая какие механизмы работают. Это дает свободу комбинировать известные подходы по-новому.

В роли директора по маркетингу международных корпораций OLVI Group и AFK group я использовала этот подход на практике. На этот же подход опираюсь, преподавая курсы «Маркетинг-менеджмент», «Бренд-менеджмен» и «Бизнес-стратегия» в программе MBA University of New York in Prague.

Трое моих сотрудников уже возглавили отделы маркетинга в своих компаниях. С удовольствием помогу и вам — молодым специалистам в больших компаниях, владельцам малого бизнеса или талантливым людям, которые запускают свои бренды. Давайте вместе переосмыслим ваш маркетинг, чтобы высвободить творческий потенциал и создать превосходные стратегии и бренды в эпоху перемен.

a Request

Complete the form on the site
or drop me an email to discuss your goals and needs.

Людмила Лыткина
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